39 weeks... and a membrane sweep!

Yesterday I hit the 39-week milestone. And I had a doctor's appointment. Exciting stuff!

The first portion of my appointment was a growth scan to make sure that my placenta and fluid were good, and that Henry was growing as he should be. And thankfully, all is well inside my uterus!

Henry is measuring five days ahead in the 76th percentile and estimated to be 8lbs 3oz. My fluid levels were perfect and Henry's movements were wonderful. All great news!

After the ultrasound, Buster and I headed into the exam room to wait on the doctor. I told the nurse that I was hoping for a membrane sweep, and she said the doc would definitely do it. She headed out and said he'd be in shortly.

When the doctor came in, he went over the ultrasound results and seemed very pleased with them. Then we discussed a membrane sweep. He told me last appointment that an induction increases the chances of a c-section, so I asked if a membrane sweep did the same. He said no, which was comforting to hear. So we decided to do it.

Before the sweep, however, he did a cervical check. I am now 4 cm dilated and 75% effaced (I was 3 cm and 80% two weeks ago, but I'm thinking the difference in effacement is because different doctors did the check...?). My doctor was seriously giddy over finding out I was already 4 cm dilated. He mentioned several times how perfect this was, and "how nice" (which is odd to hear when someone's hand is rammed up in you).

So then he stretched my cervix and did the sweep. Um, ouch. For those of you who have had an HSG, you know how it feels when they push the dye through? Like the worst period cramps ever, but thankfully it's so short? That's kind of what it was like. Except the menstrual-type pain was even worse and more uncomfortable, and lasted a tad longer.

My doctor seemed to think there was a good chance I would go in to labor that night. And he definitely thinks I will not be pregnant on Henry's due date, which is Monday the 14th.

Well, since I'm here typing this post this morning, there was no labor last night. And I'm pretty disappointed! I know it's stupid to be disappointed, but I was really hoping that the sweep would kickstart something. I did have some timeable contractions, but they were quite far apart and only lasted about 30 seconds. Then they stopped.

I kept hoping that overnight I would awake to painful contractions, but no such luck. So here I am, sitting on my exercise ball, contemplating what my plan of attack is for the day.

Baking. Definitely some baking. And maybe a trip to Michael's so I can walk around for a good, long while. Hip circles on my exercise ball. And maybe some Call of Duty when I want to sit and relax for a few.

I'm just so ready to meet my little Henry!!


  1. This might sound weird but I had a dream last night you gave birth! But it wasn't to one baby, it was to three! Here's to hoping there are no surprises like that, but that your sweet little Henry does make his grand entrance soon! :)

  2. So, exciting! Although it didn't happen last night it seems that little Henry is just around the corner. Wishing you a happy and healthy delivery in the next little while. I'm due two days after you but hoping to hold s/he in long enough for my mom to get here on January 18. :)

  3. My due date is Thursday the 10th. I scrubbed floors, walls & counter tops yesterday. Today the mass amounts of walking & acupuncture will begin. Oh and a doctors appointment. I don't think I'll be as lucky and get a membrane sweep but I'm hoping some sort of action is going on down there!
    Although my step mom said if the baby is still moving lots, it's not ready to come out, once movement slows down that's a good sign. Well this little one has slowed down LOTS since Saturday and pressure has started, although that means nothing in sure!
    I'm hoping for a speedy delivery for you and Henry!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm such a noob that I have no idea what a membrane sweep is. And it sounds unpleasant enough to keep me from googling it!

    I hope the next time you post it will be with news of Henry's birth. :)

  6. Oh wow, so exciting - good luck with everything, and hey, a visit to Michael's and baking are never a bad idea!

  7. I got a membrane sweep too! Ouch! He did it without asking! It didn't do anything for me though.

    Here's to Henry coming soon! I think he will! :) so exciting!!!

  8. Eeeee!! So exciting! But, um, maybe DON'T stray too far from home. You do not want to have your water break in Michaels! Can't wait for the next post to be a "birth story" one with lots of pictures... hang in there. :)

  9. Oh wow, 4cm already?! You lucky bitch ;-) Since you're so far along already an induction would actually probably go really smoothly, ESPECIALLY if you do in fact have pre-e, did they tell you preeclamptics are easy to induce? Cause it's totally true. I hope you go into labor soon and have a quick easy labor and delivery!!!!

  10. you look amazing, wishing you love and luck in these final days. can't wait for you to meet your baby!!

  11. You look great. Hoping that things get going soon :)

  12. You look so fantastic - I hope things get moving for you soon, so you can meet your little guy!

  13. Kara this is so fun and so exciting! I'm visiting your blog every damn day for updates!! I'm so happy for you and Buster!!

  14. Good luck! I'm sure it'll be very soon! : )

  15. Yay! Hurry up Henry!

    My humble advice?... Two laps around Costco, buy a pinapple, go home and eat it while Buster rubs your feet.

    I never got to try this method but I have a friend who swears by it and claims it kicked his wife into labor for all 3 of their kids!

  16. I did EPO (a few a day rammed up there in the twat region) and I walked my ass off. I had Shelby at 37 weeks and after getting my membranes swiped (or ripped away as I like to call it) I went into labor exactly 5 days after each one!

  17. Saw that photo on FB... Congrats momma!!!!

  18. Ohhhhhh not long now! So exciting! The membrane sweep worked for me with DS1, I had it at 7am and went into labour at 10pm, but they say it doesn't always work :( But knowing you are already 4cm! That's awesome! I can't wait to see pics of Henry, and hope you have an easy, painless as possible, fast labour!

  19. You had him?! I can't WAIT to see pics. Congrats Momma!!!

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