Super sad face

Just wanted to make a quick post letting everyone know I'm alive. I tested BFN this morning, which bummed me out. I am 12 dpo (CD24). I am also bleeding, as of 20 minutes ago. No idea what that is all about, as my normal cycles last at least 28-29 days. I'm feeling completely defeated and hopeless right now.

If the bleeding turns into AF (which I'm thinking it will, at this point) I will call my RE in the morning.

I promise I will get the giveaway stuff together, but it probably won't be until the first of next week. So bear with me if you can.



  1. Ahh :( Sorry for the BFN and bleeding. Did they have you on progesterone support? If not, if you do another cycle ask for it. 12dpo is a little earlier than you'd want for a bleed. Not too early, but a longer LP would be better. Sorry again (*hugs*)

  2. :( Sorry to hear. Sending happy vibes your way.

  3. I'm so sorry about your BFN. Maybe if you guys decide to go with IVF they will be able to see if there is something else going on. I know the pain and frustration you are feeling right now, especially when you are "unexplained". Hang in there. Hugs

  4. I'm really sorry love,I hope your RE can give you some answers about the short cycle,Hugs and take care of yourself xoxo

  5. So sorry about the BFN and the bleeding :( Hopefully the RE has some good next steps for you.

  6. :( Sorry, Kara!! I still have my hopes up on this cycle for you!!

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your bleeding. Whats that about? Maybe it's IB? Hopefully?

  8. Always a crappy way to start your day. :-( Thinking of you!

  9. Oh dear. I am so sorry to hear this. Sending you a big hug. We are here for you!

  10. Aww, boo for the BFN and the bleeding. I'll still keep my FX that it will stop and you'll get a surprise BFP.

  11. I am so sorry about your disappointing news. I am sending you virtual hugs and strength for whatever this next cycle's plan is. Thinking of you...

  12. Hang in there sweetheart! I know that there are no words to make this any better, just know that you have a whole lot of ladies in your corner pulling for you! You are an incredibly strong, smart, funny and beautiful woman and I know that you have been such a comfort to me during my IF journey. I hope that you know if you need anything I'm just a phone call or IM away. *HUGS*

  13. I'm so sorry Kara. I was so hoping this was your month :(

  14. I am so sorry, thinking of you...

  15. Sorry to hear your news... this TTC is quite a roller-coaster ride :( I'm new to blogging and am pulling for you too :) Thinking of you xoxo

  16. Arrrrgh! Bummer. I'm so sorry Kara. Once again we are cycle buddies. I hope we get to be due date buddies at some point soon instead! Big hugs to you.


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