Some updates, and Beta #4 results

I apologize for being MIA. As I mentioned in my last blog post, this December is the busiest one on record for Buster and I!

This past Monday, I had my fourth beta. This was 24dp6dt, or 6w1d. In order to fall within the normal doubling time of 72-96 hours for hcg > 1200, my beta needed to be a minimum of 5500.

Well, it was 11,517! That's a doubling time of 55ish hours, which I'm thrilled about! My E2 was 468 and my progesterone was >20, and my clinic was very happy with all of my numbers.

My first ultrasound is scheduled for this Monday, the 19th. My clinic also wants me to go in for two more ultrasounds on the following weeks. So, I will have an ultrasound at 7 weeks, 8 weeks and 9 weeks. I can't wait to see my baby!

In other updates, I have been absolutely swamped at work. It definitely makes my days fly by, but it's also giving me cause to worry a bit. I will be happy to finalize a couple of the projects and get them out of my life!

We leave for Las Vegas on Wednesday, and we are beyond excited! Plans have changed a bit, and Buster and I are the only people going! I'm completely fine with this, and am really looking forward to spending time with baby Jasmine's family!

Also, we've moved a couple things into our new place, but plan to do the bulk this weekend. Our poor undecorated Christmas tree has been living alone in the new house for almost a week now! I'm ready to get over there and decorate. Wish I could snap my fingers and all the moving and unpacking would be done...

I will update on Monday after our appointment! I hope to have wonderful news to share.

4 days until our first ultrasound!


  1. Awesome news, you couldn't ask for a better beta than that. Cant wait to hear how your first u/s goes.

  2. Yayy!! I've been following your blog for over a year now and I am absolutely thrilled that you are finally prego!!! I count this as growth on my part because after struggling with infertility for over three years now yours was the first pregnancy announcement that I was TRULY happy about!! You scared me being MIA for a week!! haha So, so happy for you!!! :) Can't wait to see ultrasound pics!!

  3. Awesome on the great beta. I'm so jealous that you're getting more data. I'm dying for more info!

  4. Yay! Awesome news, although I already peeked on TWW... Can't wait to see pics of baby on Monday!

  5. Awesome beta! Can't wait to hear about your ultrasound (mine is the day after yours).

  6. Wonderful, wonderful news!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  7. Yeah!! Great numbers!!!

    I'm jealous, too :) My clinic only gave 2 betas, four days apart, and two ultrasound checks at 6w3d and 7w3d, then it's off to the OB!

    I can't wait to hear about your ultrasound. Everything still crossed! )

  8. Those are pretty amazing beta numbers! Any chance of having twins in there??? High beta #s can sometimes indicate multiples;)

  9. Congrats on such a wonderful beta!! Have a great trip!

  10. EEK cant wait to hear all about your u/s today :D

  11. Congrats Kara!! Can't wait to hear about your u/s today, I bet it's twins!!!! :D Good luck sweetie!



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