A celebration. And eggs. A celebration of eggs?

Today is Buster's 29th birthday. We celebrated on Saturday night at a local bar with lots of friends and family. It was fun, and Buster had a really great time. We are going to dinner tonight with his family, at a Japanese hibachi place. It will be delicious, although horrible for my diet.


In other news, I had my CD7 appointment this morning. After 4 days of 150iu of Bravelle, I had the following:
  • Lining thickness: 7mm
  • 7 right ovary follicles, sized: 5, 6, 7, 9, 9, 10, 12.5mm
  • 8 left ovary follicles, sized: 5, 6.6, 7, 7.5, 8, 9, 9.5, 11mm
Apparently the Bravelle is working! I've never had a CD7 u/s before, but I'm fairly certain this is many more follicles than what I normally have.

Once again, my doctor pretty much acted like I was nonexistent. It really makes for an awkward appointment. There was also a strange new doctor who entered the u/s room with my RE. This doctor, Dr. J, controlled the dildo wand. There were times that he wasn't doing it exactly right, and my doc had to help him. So at times, they both had their hands on the dildo swirling it around trying to find my eggs. It was kind of traumatic. Unfortunately the clinic is associated with a teaching/university hospital, so I guess it's par for the course.

After the u/s, we went into a different room to discuss what was going on. I use the term discuss quite loosely. It's basically me sitting there, staring at my doc, waiting for him to talk to me. He decided to lower my dosage of Bravelle to 75iu, and he wants me to come back in on Thursday for another ultrasound. He also had my estrogen levels checked. If the results are high, he will have me come in on Wednesday instead of Thursday.

Since all of this injectible business is new to me, if anyone has had a similar experience with lots of follies early on, I would appreciate hearing about it. I'm nervous about overstimulating and having the IUI canceled. I'm curious to see how this plays out, and how many mature follicles I end up having.

Also, I have been so bloated the past couple of days, and I'm pretty sure that I now know why. It really makes me feel like I'm failing on my diet, but I realize it's all those eggs taking up space!


Random question. When you head back to the exam room, and the nurse tells you "Pants off and on the table", do you lie down on the table with your feet in the stirrups while waiting for the doc to come in? Or do you sit there and then get in to position when he/she arrives? I've done both, and I always wonder what everyone else does. Today I wish I hadn't been laying down. Nothing like slapping the new doc right in the face with my lady parts! 


  1. Lol love the question. I do both too. I often wondered what other ladies did. When I went for my cycle day 10 follie check they had a student in there and were showing her. It took forever. So uncomfortable!!!

  2. I usually just sit there but if they seem to be taking a long time I've laided down just to be more comfortable. It always seems so awkard just sitting there. And yeah for having a ton of follicles and I'll be praying your IUI doesn't get cancelled. Thats my biggest fear after paying all that money for the drugs. I ended up with only two 20mm on my right and 5 or 6 on the left but they were smaller and my doctor said they probably wouldn't make it when we did the IUI. I'd taken 150mg of clomid and three 75i of bravelle. When do you go back for more monitoring?

  3. Lol, your posts never fail to amuse me :D
    I sit and wait for the nurse or RE to come in to the room. I've thought about just going ahead and laying down, but I have hip problems and the stirups hurt my hips.

    As for all of those follicles. I usually have a lot b/c of my PCOS.
    Hopefully the lowering of your injection will be enough to mature a couple of those eggs and not a bunch of them.

  4. lol You're so funny. I always just sit there on the table with the cloth draped over me and once the doc/nurse come in, then I get into position. I think it would be really awkward to be laying there with my junk all out in the open when they walk in LOL

  5. I sit on the table with the cloth draped over me. Then when the tech comes in I lay down, put my feet in the stirrups, he hands me the wand under the cloth, I insert it, he gives me a paper towel to wipe off my hand, and he takes the measurements. I make it known before my appointments that I don't want any medical students/residents/fellows in the room because I've had too many bad experiences with them.

    Hope you have a good dinner!

  6. This doc is a weirdo... Considering they spend ALL DAY with patients you'd think they'd learn some social skills. I wait on the table, sitting upwith the cloth over me. It feels a bit like HELLO HERE'S MY VAGINA if I'm lying down with my feet up, ha!

    Great news about all the eggs :)

  7. I am a freak of nature. I sit up on the table with my feet in the stirrups. So my knees are kind of up near my chin. But my RE has really long paper skirts, so I can get away with that.

    Yay for lots of follies. I hope a couple take off and a couple of them fall behind. Don't want you to be the octomom.

    Love ya.

  8. Usually the stirrups are folded under the table so I sit and wait for the doc to come in before getting into position.

    Good luck, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. :) I wish you had more options for REs where you are so that you didn't have to be put up with being treated like that. But if it works I guess it'll be worth it, right?

  9. Haha... This is always the dilemma right? Stirrups or no? I vote no but my dilemma is iPhone or no? Because what do you do with it once they cone in? Waddle over to your purse, hold it in your hand, set it on the table worrying that they'll knock it off? I usually vote no iPhone no stirrups. Sit there and look at the detailed vagina diagrams...

  10. Wow that sounds like a great amount growing in there! Sounds like your doc is on to it by lowering your dose straight away so fingers crossed you won't overstimulate.
    Hope you have a nice dinner tonight for your hubby's birthday-I love Japanese food!

    Oh and there hasn't been any stirrups for most of my internals-only for egg collection, so I usually lie down with my legs CLOSED until the doc comes in!I like him because he only has one very quick look and slides it straight in-whereas I had a different doc one day who was all peering under there at my vag to put it in-I found that one pretty traumatic too!

  11. I always sit and wait, then "assume the position". Which can be disastious. I've almost fallen off the table a few times... with just my shirt and drape on. (*facepalm*)

    Wow. Great response so far, I think lowering your dose is a great move. You don't want to overstim and have your cycle canceled :) Hopefully lowered the dose will help focus it to just a few to mature completely. Heck, your 12 and 11 could be ready in a matter of days! On injects they usually trigger when the follicles are 16-18mm, and they can grow 1-2mm a day. You are well on your way, here's to hoping just a few take the lead and you are good to go! Fingers crossed :D

  12. Those are GREAT numbers friend!! Yay!!

    And my feet don't usually go into the stirrups until the doctor is in the room. I think I would feel all exposed before that point?

  13. I always sit. I feel weird feet up before they walk in. Maybe I'm weird.

  14. Ha, your question cracked me up. I always sit and wait for them to walk in and tell me to "get in position." And I wish your doctor(s) were more personable - don't they know this is hard enough as it is??

  15. Amazing numbers!!!!!! Congrats! Also, how wonderful that you found somethign that you know works for you!!!!
    I feel like this is YOUR cycle!!

  16. I usually sit there and wait for them to come in and tell me to lie down. For some reason laying down with feet in stirrups seems a little presumptious. LOL

    I think your 12.5 and 11 will definitely be good to go. Maybe even the 10 and 9.5. I think your doc is trying to avoid those 9s from maturing too though. In my experience, although I haven't done injections, a lot of follies can be pretty close together in size, but generally only a few will take the lead and the others will stay about the same size.

    The good news is, you should have AT LEAST 2 eggs this time - maybe even 3 or 4!!!! The doc will probably cancel if you get more than that.

  17. I also wanted to add that my RE was very quiet, straight forward, no fluff at all. BUT, he got my pregnant on the first try and he knew what he was doing. Hope yours is the same.

  18. I usually have 1-3 good-sized follicles followed by about 10-12 follies under 10mm. The ones that are small never mature so there's no concern there. I wouldn't be worried if I were you, but you might as well pay attention to any changes in your body and keep an eye on things.

    Also, I stick my legs up when they get there. I have no shame at this point.

  19. So funny. I usually sit there and wait until they get everything ready before I assume the position. Yay for lots of eggs!!!

  20. I usually had a bunch of follies but only a few that were mature enough to worry about when it came time to trigger for ovulation. Your question at the end of your post cracks me up...I have always been a stay sitting up and wait for the doctor to come in before laying down kind of girl. The whole thing is awkward anyway so I guess I like to keep my legs closed as long as I can! :)


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