It's gruesome that someone so handsome should care

I don't have much to say of any worth, but here goes some randomness:

Today is CD10. I have been lightly spotting for the past couple of days, which I am attributing to the Femara. My u/s appointment is tomorrow morning, so I will ask my doctor what he thinks about it. It's weirding me out because I never spot. NEVER. On one hand it makes me nervous, but on the other I'm thinking that anything different from the norm may be good.


I finally got some OPK strips. $17!! But, there was a sticker on the front for a $7 mail-in rebate. I typically forget about mail-in rebates, but hopefully I will do this one.


Yesterday I started Weight Watchers. They have a program here at work where we have the once-a-week meeting here on site, which is great. So far I'm doing well, but it's only been a day and a half! I have gained over 40 lbs since my wedding 2 1/2 years ago. Some of that I blame on stress, some on fertility crap, and some on just being happy/content. Luckily for me and my waistline, I don't actually hate Coke Zero. Or Diet Dr. Pepper.


I feel really boring today, and I apologize. I hope tomorrow I can provide an interesting blog post after my appointment.

Today's blog title comes from This Charming Man by The Smiths. 


  1. You are not boring, my dear! And everything you say has worth!!
    Good luck tomorrow! Woot!

  2. Hey, not every day is party hats and rainbows! BTW, highly recommend the digital OPK's - super simple: either no smiley, or smiley face. Tada! No ambiguity... but you will be a little poorer - they're $35, eek.

    Good luck for tomorrow's appointment!

  3. wishing you luck with this cycle.
    I am doing weight watchers too, but following on line not actually going to meetings.

  4. Its almost IUI time! Lots of luck hun!

  5. So excited for you this cycle!! :)

    You are never boring, dear. <3

  6. HUGS and Luck your way for sure!!! : ) : ) :) And i agree with Lisa, never boring for sure! where did u score the OPK's? I so wish we had some in Canada for that price LMAO

  7. Never boring! Good luck at your appointment!!!


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