FET#2: 4dp6dt (part one)

First, thank you all so much for your kind words after yesterday's post. Infertility is hard enough, then when you pile on feelings of guilt and shame, well you get the picture.

Yesterday and today are the hardest days of an FET for me. I go back and forth constantly, thinking one minute it worked, and the next it didn't. I'm hoping that I will be getting a confirmation of BFP tonight or tomorrow.

In related news, the mommy dog who is pregnant with our new furry arrival is having an ultrasound today! How exciting is that? This will let us know how many she is pregnant with. She is due April 10. I can't wait to see the pups!


And now for the good stuff. Here is a link to my 4dp6dt post from last FET.

Symptom check:
This is the second day in a row that I have had a dull headache. I felt it coming on yesterday morning, but it never fully developed into the extremely painful migraines I'm accustomed to (which usually announce the arrival of AF).

My stomach has also been feeling a bit queasy this morning. I even got that (TMI) rush of spit in my mouth that happens prior to throwing up. But, thankfully, it stopped there. The combination of dull headache and queasy stomach is really screaming hangover to me, like BBee mentioned in a comment a couple days ago. I hope I'm not just tricking myself into thinking that I'm having a symptom.

Last night before bed, my stomach was grumbling. And I shouldn't have been hungry. So this morning when I woke up, I was absolutely famished. I know this is a common side effect of the Dexamethasone, but it seems to really only have started yesterday (and I've been on the steroid for a week now).

And finally, last night I had a bit of cramping while laying on the couch watching Game of Thrones. It was brief and not really like AF cramps, but also not gas pains or anything like that.

The absence of one symptom has me a bit worried, however. Last go around, early on I started waking up in the middle of the night to pee. Obviously that is a good symptom, and one that is common in pregnancy. This hasn't happened to me this time around. Does that mean I'm doomed? I'm sure that not everyone gets that symptom early on, right?! It's hard for me to not be worried, since I had it last time around and I was in fact pregnant.

edited to add: One other symptom that I forgot. The past couple nights, I've been getting sooooo sleepy at about 8:30 p.m. Last night I stayed up until 10:30, and it was not easy!

Pee stick check:
I decided to start using FRERs last night. The dollar store tests are just not doing it for me this time around. Last night's line on the FRER was really pretty, but I was pretty certain it was the remaining hCG from the booster shot. And this morning's FRER proved that theory right. Today's line is barely there. Almost undetectable. The booster is practically gone, and I hope to start seeing darkening lines very soon.

I will be testing again tonight, so we will see...


3 days until beta!



  1. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and ready to see those two lines pop up. When will you be able to get the new puppy? I know a lot of breeders are different.

  2. Keeping my fingers and toes and everything possible to cross crossed for you! Prayers my dear! Looking forward to next update!

  3. I'm crossing everything I can for you! Hopefully you'll be seeing two lines again in the next day or two. :)

  4. Hey! I have been reading your blog for a while, but never comment as I don't have a blog of my own. However, I just wanted to mention that pregnancy symptoms can really be different from one time to the next, so don't worry about not needing to pee during the night (I actually never had that with my second pregnancy until baby was big enough to be pushing on my bladder). Good luck! I feel really confident that this will be the one for you!


  5. Oh I am sooo hopeful for you!! I will be praying hard for you and for me!!

  6. I am betting that line will be darker tonight!!! :)

  7. Fingers crossed!!!! To reassure you with the peeing I didn't start peeing excessively until I was about 6 weeks pregnant, both times. Extra peeing was NOT a symptom I had early, so I don't think you're doomed =)

  8. So nervous & hopeful for you! My beta was this morning so I am big ball of nerves today for myself and everyone else! Why does time pass so slowly?!?!

  9. I didnt have excessive peeing until bub was big enough to put pressure on my bladder, so I def dont think you're doomed! Sleepiness was a big symptom for me, too! FX <3

  10. I think the slight cramping is an awesome sign. Its the only one i had... I will be diligently waiting on your next pee stick picks! Hugs!!

  11. Kara! Yay for puppies! :) Another girl like Kelsey? I didn't get to respond yesterday. There's nothing wrong with feeling jealous or even animosity. Sheesh, I know I would. You're just a bigger person because I'd even have a hard time taking or listening to that. And today, peeing for me didn't start until a couple days ago! It was NOT INSTANT! :) I even thought there was something wrong, but nope. Just think positive thoughts... It's been helping me to think positive and talk myself through my negativity. :) We're all rooting for you! :) YAY for twingy cramps too! :) Hugs lady!

  12. I just read and caught up on your blog :) I hope you see a BFP SOON!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you :) Also, I didn't start waking up to pee during the night until I was pretty far along.. I wanna say like 6 months.. Like when he started getting big enough to push on my bladder.. So don't let the lack of that sympto, discourage you.. EVERY pregnancy is different.. With my first ones, I got a really heavy metallic taste in my mouth.. ALL.DAY.LONG.. With my last pregnancy I NEVER got that taste.. So, keep your hopes up!!!!

  13. I am praying for a great beta result for you! I hope this is the one!

  14. Some women get all the symptoms and some don't! And every pregnancy is different, so this time around could be different too! Praying for a sticky bean! :)

  15. So weird to be stalking someone else's pee sticks! Thinking of you lady...

  16. I don't really understand how peeing a lot is an early symptom because I thought that was caused by your uterus causing restricted bladder capacity?? I know people seem to get it early on sometimes, but I didn't start the peeing thing until at least 9 weeks.

    Good luck! Everything else sounds great!


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